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The sound of water brings peace to any outdoor setting while adding that special touch. 

A well-designed water garden can add a unique element to your outdoor space and provide a beautiful backdrop against which to display a selection of aquatic plants. If properly maintained, a water garden can provide all the water needs of your garden. 

Need help choosing the right water garden design for your backyard? If you need a new garden or are updating an old one let Thompson Brothers help you create that perfect waterscape for your property. Our experienced team of landscape designers can plan, design and build a custom waterscape that fits perfectly in your outdoor environment.


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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Need Water Garden Design & Installation?

Contact Thompson Brothers Landscaping, your trusted Chattanooga landscape contractor for more information on our services or to discuss your landscaping project, visit our website or give us a call. Contact us at 423-595-1692  or 423-596-2587 or request a FREE Quote today!

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